La recherche de cartes en anglais donne de meilleurs resultats !

Edition Numéro Nom VF Nom VO Type Rareté
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Trahison au coffre-fort Betrayal at the VaultInstantuncommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Intervention bovine Bovine InterventionInstantuncommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Pris entre deux feux Caught in the CrossfireInstantuncommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Cendres dévorantes Consuming AshesInstantcommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Conviction corrompue Corrupted ConvictionInstantcommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Dette du désert Desert's DueInstantcommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Déraillement explosif Explosive DerailmentInstantcommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Passage à gué raté Failed FordingInstantcommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Simulez votre propre mort Fake Your Own DeathInstantcommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Reflet fugace Fleeting ReflectionInstantuncommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Illusion d'évasion Getaway GlamerInstantuncommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Ruée vers l'or Gold RushInstantuncommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Grande attaque du train Great Train HeistInstantrare
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Explosion métamorphique Metamorphic BlastInstantuncommon
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Neutraliser les gardes Neutralize the GuardsInstantuncommon