La recherche de cartes en anglais donne de meilleurs resultats !

Edition Numéro Nom VF Nom VO Type Rareté
Modern Masters Citanul Woodreaders Citanul WoodreadersCreature — Human Druidcommon
Modern Masters Hana Kami Hana KamiCreature — Spiritcommon
Modern Masters Imperiosaur ImperiosaurCreature — Dinosaurcommon
Modern Masters Jugan, the Rising Star Jugan, the Rising StarLegendary Creature — Dragon Spiritmythic
Modern Masters Kitchen Finks Kitchen FinksCreature — Oupheuncommon
Modern Masters Masked Admirers Masked AdmirersCreature — Elf Shamanuncommon
Modern Masters Nantuko Shaman Nantuko ShamanCreature — Insect Shamancommon
Modern Masters Penumbra Spider Penumbra SpiderCreature — Spidercommon
Modern Masters Sporesower Thallid Sporesower ThallidCreature — Fungusuncommon
Modern Masters Thallid Germinator Thallid GerminatorCreature — Funguscommon
Modern Masters Thallid Shell-Dweller Thallid Shell-DwellerCreature — Funguscommon
Modern Masters Verdeloth the Ancient Verdeloth the AncientLegendary Creature — Treefolkrare
Modern Masters Woodfall Primus Woodfall PrimusCreature — Treefolk Shamanrare