La recherche de cartes en anglais donne de meilleurs resultats !

Edition Numéro Nom VF Nom VO Type Rareté
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Kor Haven Kor HavenLegendary Landmythic
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Regard vigilant Lidless GazeSorceryrare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Seigneur des Nazgûl Lord of the NazgûlLegendary Creature — Wraith Noblerare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Capitaine de Lossarnach Lossarnach CaptainCreature — Human Soldierrare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Merry, garde d'Isengard Merry, Warden of IsengardLegendary Creature — Halfling Advisorrare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Minamo, School at Water's Edge Minamo, School at Water's EdgeLegendary Landmythic
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Élan de la Forêt Noire Mirkwood ElkCreature — Elkrare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Trappeur de la Forêt Noire Mirkwood TrapperCreature — Elf Scoutrare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Maquette d'unité Model of UnityArtifactrare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Monstruosité du lac Monstrosity of the LakeLegendary Creature — Krakenrare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Charognard de la Moria Moria ScavengerCreature — Orc Roguerare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Poney motivé Motivated PonyCreature — Horserare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Mouth of Ronom Mouth of RonomSnow Landmythic
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Voleur de notion Notion ThiefCreature — Human Roguerare
Tales of Middle-earth Commander Oboro, Palace in the Clouds Oboro, Palace in the CloudsLegendary Landmythic