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Edition Numéro Nom VF Nom VO Type Rareté
Commander Legends Volonté d'Akroma Akroma's WillInstantrare
Commander Legends Alena, trappeuse de Kessig Alena, Kessig TrapperLegendary Creature — Human Scoutuncommon
Commander Legends Alena, trappeuse de Kessig Alena, Kessig TrapperLegendary Creature — Human Scoutuncommon
Commander Legends Alharu, ritualiste solennel Alharu, Solemn RitualistLegendary Creature — Human Monkuncommon
Commander Legends Archelos, mystique du lagon Archelos, Lagoon MysticLegendary Creature — Turtle Shamanrare
Commander Legends Archonte du couronnement Archon of CoronationCreature — Archonmythic
Commander Legends Archonte du couronnement Archon of CoronationCreature — Archonmythic
Commander Legends Sphère armillaire Armillary SphereArtifactcommon
Commander Legends Commandement d'austérité Austere CommandSorceryrare
Commander Legends Belbé, observatrice corrompue Belbe, Corrupted ObserverLegendary Creature — Phyrexian Zombie Elfrare
Commander Legends Belbé, observatrice corrompue Belbe, Corrupted ObserverLegendary Creature — Phyrexian Zombie Elfrare
Commander Legends Bell Borca, sergent spectral Bell Borca, Spectral SergeantLegendary Creature — Spirit Soldierrare
Commander Legends Masse de biodéchets Biowaste BlobCreature — Oozerare
Commander Legends Blim, génie de la comédie Blim, Comedic GeniusLegendary Creature — Imprare
Commander Legends Corpus de savoir Body of KnowledgeCreature — Avatarrare