La recherche de cartes en anglais donne de meilleurs resultats !

Edition Numéro Nom VF Nom VO Type Rareté
Eternal Masters Cabal Therapy Cabal TherapySorceryuncommon
Eternal Masters Call the Skybreaker Call the SkybreakerSorceryrare
Eternal Masters Deep Analysis Deep AnalysisSorcerycommon
Eternal Masters Extract from Darkness Extract from DarknessSorceryuncommon
Eternal Masters Firebolt FireboltSorcerycommon
Eternal Masters Flame Jab Flame JabSorceryuncommon
Eternal Masters Gaea's Blessing Gaea's BlessingSorceryuncommon
Eternal Masters Harmonize HarmonizeSorceryuncommon
Eternal Masters Innocent Blood Innocent BloodSorcerycommon
Eternal Masters Nausea NauseaSorcerycommon
Eternal Masters Night's Whisper Night's WhisperSorcerycommon
Eternal Masters Quiet Speculation Quiet SpeculationSorceryuncommon
Eternal Masters Reckless Charge Reckless ChargeSorcerycommon
Eternal Masters Roar of the Wurm Roar of the WurmSorceryuncommon
Eternal Masters Seismic Stomp Seismic StompSorcerycommon