La recherche de cartes en anglais donne de meilleurs resultats !
Edition | Numéro | Nom VF | Nom VO | Type | Rareté |
Core 2020 | Chevalier de diamant | Diamond Knight | Artifact Creature — Knight | uncommon | |
Horizons du Modern 2 | Lion de diamant | Diamond Lion | Artifact Creature — Cat | rare | |
Core 2019 | Jument du diamant | Diamond Mare | Artifact Creature — Horse | uncommon | |
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan | Conservateur d'excavation | Digsite Conservator | Artifact Creature — Gnome | uncommon | |
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan | Automatosaure | Dinotomaton | Artifact Creature — Dinosaur Gnome | common | |
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan | Glyphe errant perturbateur | Disruptor Wanderglyph | Artifact Creature — Golem | common | |
Apocalypse | Dodécapode | Dodecapod | Artifact Creature — Golem | uncommon | |
Time Spiral | Dodécapode | Dodecapod | Artifact Creature — Golem | special | |
Planeshift | Draco | Draco | Artifact Creature — Dragon | rare | |
Revised | Dragon-machine | Dragon Engine | Artifact Creature — Construct | rare | |
Iconic Masters | Dragonloft Idol | Dragonloft Idol | Artifact Creature — Gargoyle | uncommon | |
Les Dragons de Tarkir | Idole flottedragon | Dragonloft Idol | Artifact Creature — Gargoyle | uncommon | |
Kamigawa: La Dynastie Néon | Marionnette du dramaturge | Dramatist's Puppet | Artifact Creature — Construct | common | |
Sombracier | Rase-foreur | Drill-Skimmer | Artifact Creature — Thopter | common | |
Commander Légendes : la bataille de la Porte de Baldur | Taupe excavatrice | Drillworks Mole | Artifact Creature — Mole | uncommon |